Albino Animals - Fish, Reptiles & Amphibians
by Grandpa Cliff Jan 30, 2006
Mexican Salamander (aquatic)
There are 7 webpages about albinos on Grandpa Cliff's Science Website for Teenagers.
Introduction - gives facts about albinos, and contains a list of all photos of albinos on this website
Mammals - part 1 (this webpage)
Read the Introduction webpage first if you want to better understand what is shown in the photos below.
Photos of the following albino animals can be found below. They are in groups of closely related animals rather than alphabetically.
Catfish (3)
Shark, Red-tailed (aquarium)
Snake (3)
Frog (3)
Salamander (2)
Stingrays (salt water)
Blue Catfish, 8 pounds, 24", 5 years old, raised in a
private pond along with other catfish fingerlings.
A kind of Catfish
A bigger kind of Catfish !
Albino Trout
Red-tailed Shark. An aquarium freshwater fish that is not a real shark.
Normal color is black except for the tail.
Albino Alligator
Partially-albino Sulcata Tortoise with pink eye and light color.
Normal tortoises and one albino in background.
Albino snake
Albino Pine Snake
Albino King Snake
Albino Leopard Frog
British albino frog
Albino Green Frog from Virginia
Gilled stage of a salamander which
does not lose its gills. Has pink eyes.
Gilled form of the Mexican Salamander which
does not lose its gills. It lives in water rather
than on land. This albino has pink eyes.
All photos and diagrams that appear on this webpage are used for educational, non-commercial purposes as allowed by the Fair Use doctrine. [S] is a link to the source of the image.
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