Albino Animals - Invertebrates
by Grandpa Cliff Jan 30, 2006
There are 7 webpages about albinos on Grandpa Cliff's Science Website for Teenagers.
Introduction - gives facts about albinos, and contains a list of all photos of albinos on this website
Invertebrates (this webpage)
Read the Introduction webpage first if you want to better understand what is shown in the photos below.
Photos of the following albino animals can be found below. They are arranged alphabetically.
Crab (2)
Blue Crabs
Albino Crab from Chesapeake Bay.
Probably a Blue Crab.
Albino Lobster with a claw missing.
An albino Slug. Slugs are related to snails,
but they don't have a shell.
All photos and diagrams that appear on this webpage are used for educational, non-commercial purposes as allowed by the Fair Use doctrine. [S] is a link to the source of the image.
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